Introducing the Mega Merge Cube
Today, we are excited to introduce the Mega Merge Cube, a larger-than-life hands-on AR marker, that can also be used as flexible seating!

The Merge Cube has been a beloved AR tool in classrooms around the world since 2018. Over the years, educators have created larger versions of the Merge Cube out of cardboard, paper, wood, foam floor tiles, and have even 3D printed them for educational use. Today, we are excited to introduce the Mega Merge Cube – a giant hands-on AR marker that can also be used as flexible seating!
Born from Creativity: The Original Giant Merge Cube
The idea for the Mega Merge Cube traces its roots to a creative and resourceful educator, Gabe Haydu, who first crafted a giant Merge Cube out of paper. Gabe's innovation was born out of a desire to make augmented reality (AR) experiences even more accessible and engaging for his students. His giant paper cube sparked inspiration across the global education community, as other educators—many connected through the Merge Ambassador program and AR/VR communities—began creating their own large-scale Merge Cubes. These educators recognized the potential of a larger cube to engage students and foster collaborative learning.
Awesome! Learn how to make your own #GIANTMergeCube here:
— Mr. Haydu 😎 (@GabeHaydu) February 6, 2019
Seeing the enthusiasm and ingenuity from our educator community, Merge decided to formalize the idea by designing and producing the Mega Merge Cube.
Flexible Seating Meets Augmented Reality
The size and durability of the Mega Merge Cube provides flexible seating for your classroom, library, STEM lab or makerspace! Resources are limited in schools, so every tool purchased for students needs to have more than one purpose. The Mega Merge Cube is both a seat and a tool that can be used to visualize complex and abstract concepts, just like its smaller cousin, the original Merge Cube.
Provides Additional Ways to Collaborate
The increased size of the Mega Merge Cube transforms the cube into an even more collaborative tool—several students can gather around it, viewing the same AR content on their own devices. This collaborative approach fosters teamwork and collective problem-solving, both critical skills in today’s learning environments. The larger size also allows students to interact with the Mega Merge Cube from anywhere in the room, even those sitting in the back of the classroom.
#WildcatNation 4th graders were amazed as they experienced augmented reality (AR) with a giant Merge Cube during their Virtual Expeditions PEP session at @DAISCommunity!
— Dallastown Area School District (@DallastownSD) October 20, 2022
Helps Promote the use of Merge EDU in your Program
Because it's made to be an eye-catching fixture in any space, the Mega Merge Cube serves as a reminder to teachers and students that your school has access to the powerful and engaging Merge EDU platform! This fun visual will promote usage of Merge EDU in any space it’s a part of, so you can enjoy the full value of Merge EDU.
I’ve got the whole world in my hands, thanks to giant merge cube and @sparrow1239 making some STEM fun for our teachers and students.#mishawakaway #scmstem
— Sara Hoover (@stemgirl29) October 18, 2018
Perfect for Community Engagement Events
Bring out the Mega Merge Cube at your next STEM community night, Grandparent’s Day, back-to-school event and more to get students, parents, teachers and all stakeholders excited about the integration of innovative technology in your school. It will be a spectacular engagement station for sure!
Giant Merge Cube fun! @stelizabethsm22 @MGLWorldNews
— Ian Trueman (@MGLWorld_Ian) April 16, 2019
Fun Prop, Even When Not in Use
Even when not in use, the Mega Merge Cube will add a touch of fun visual stimulation to any room in your school! The visuals printed on the cube were intentionally designed to make the Merge Cube look both ancient and futuristic at the same time. The size and design of Mega Merge Cube together provide the addition of a compelling ancient alien artifact to your space!
Testing out our giant merge cube with my 1st grader... getting it ready for some 4th graders to explore the solar system! @asember @miss_flook @SouthernTiogaSD #LrnrDrvn
— Rachel Smith (@MsEngineerSmith) March 19, 2019
Integration with Classroom Technology
Just like the original Merge Cube, the Mega Merge Cube is compatible with existing classroom tools like Promethean Panels, SmartBoards, and other interactive displays via the Merge EDU apps. Teachers can project AR content from Merge EDU and the Mega Merge Cube onto a large screen, ensuring that every student, whether sitting at the front or back of the classroom, can engage with the material.
For instance, a teacher could use the Mega Merge Cube to showcase a 3D model of a human heart. While one group interacts directly with the cube, the entire class can watch the same AR visuals projected onto the SmartBoard, allowing for an inclusive, participatory experience.
Product Details
Size: 17” x 17” x17”
Weight: 7lbs
Cost: $499 (includes shipping within the continental USA)
Lead time: 4-8 weeks
If you are interested in purchasing a Mega Merge Cube, reach out to our sales team at